The Power of Traction: How to Use LinkedIn to Boost Investor Confidence
When investors evaluate a company, they look at many factors, including the caliber of your leadership team, the market opportunity, and the progress you have made to date. All of those stories can be told on LinkedIn, but the most important one is traction. The more...
Unlock Investor Interest: How to Use LinkedIn to Attract Funding
If you’re a startup CEO or founder, you already know it takes more than hard work or luck to turn an idea into a company. So. Much. More. Drive, great communication skills, the right connections, good people, endurance, incredible research and strategy, industry...
Want to Land a Board Role? Use LinkedIn & ChatGPT
Once upon a time, a seasoned CEO found herself looking for a new challenge. Though she truly enjoyed leading her successful tech company, she longed for a different venture, a way to make an even bigger impact with her skills and expertise. Several of her peers,...
LinkedIn for New CEOs: 5 Big Changes to Transition from Employee to Founder
Once upon a time, there was a hard-working employee who had a great job at a top tech company. She loved the stability, benefits, and sense of community that came with being a leader and team member of a game-changing company. But one day, that all changed. She was...
How Smaller Tech Firms Can Attract Top Talent from Tech Giants
The marketplace is currently overflowing with really talented people — people who worked hard, under pressure, and were incredibly successful with well-known tech giants. Great people who may not only be available for new opportunities but who may also — for the...
Attract the Best Candidates with the Quality of Your Executive Leadership
Did you hear the story about the company where everyone had worked hard and well, systems were in place, teams were aligned, and the opportunity for big new business — game-changing business — was just ahead? All they needed was a couple of key hires, but finding the...
Raising a Round? 6 Unexpected Ways that LinkedIn Can Help
Do you remember it? The absolute thrill of the moment you turned an idea into a reality — into a company. There’s almost nothing like it — that rush of adrenaline — as you saw success in securing investors and then customers. Now, as you strive to take your company to...
5 Reasons LinkedIn is the Go-To Platform for Tech CEO Branding
Let’s start by agreeing that if you are a CEO, you’ve been working a while. And you’ve clearly had success, so you already have a personal brand. If you have any doubts, check out my most recent blog. But, knowing you have a personal brand and that it should be...
3 Ways to Use ChatGPT to Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn
Like you, we’ve been running experiments with ChatGPT. Ours have focused on what it can do on LinkedIn. We’ve discovered a lot of ways ChatGPT can help you build your brand ― with very little effort! We’re still learning, but here are some of the best: 1.Update...
4 Long-Term Benefits to Personal Branding for CEOs
A personal brand is not about posting what you had for lunch on social media. Personal branding is not about spin. Or about bragging. Thank goodness. Personal branding starts by recognizing you have a reputation and influence, and the power to leverage that influence...
15 LinkedIn Tips to Do Now and Start 2023 Strong
Let’s all stop for a minute and breathe — and celebrate — we’ve almost made it through 2022, which includes surviving the changes, tumult, and crazy of 2020 and 2021. What a ride, right? As we roll into the final two weeks of 2022, I hope you get time — to reflect on...
Does Your Personal Brand Need Updating for 2023?
December is here, and the new year, with all its promise and excitement, is just around the corner. Renewed energy, a fresh start, new initiatives — are you ready? While you are surely spending the next few weeks finishing strong — you also want to set in place the...