Achieving success in the C-suite brings a definite level of professional satisfaction — and often, a question: What’s next? For many senior leaders, the natural progression is joining a corporate board. Being on a board offers the opportunity to leverage years of...
Is posting on LinkedIn worth it for CEOs and senior executives? Absolutely! That’s a no-brainer. But a more interesting question is: What should you be posting about? There’s plenty of advice online about what makes meaningful content on social media and on...
For senior executives, storytelling is one of the most useful skills you can master. Humans are hard-wired to respond to stories. When you learn how to tell stories effectively, you find it easier to get people on board with your initiatives, you build stronger...
Trust. It opens so many doors, doesn’t it? But trust has to be built; it cannot be demanded. And building trust requires that other important T word . . . time. It takes time for people to get to know who you are. They watch how you behave in different situations, how...
A personal brand is not about posting what you had for lunch on social media. Personal branding is not about spin. Or about bragging. Thank goodness. Personal branding starts by recognizing you have a reputation and influence, and the power to leverage that influence...
Everyone talks about “thought leadership,” and being seen as a thought leader is a common goal for our clients. But do you really need to be a thought leader? It may not necessarily be the right strategy for you. Perhaps you are more comfortable being an expert. Or a...