COVID-19 Updates and Offers


ProResource is working virtually – everyone is at home, taking precautions against spreading the virus. We are physically distancing, but we believe in staying connected with each other and with our communities through social media. #powerofsocial #socialconnectedness


We launched two programs in April to help everyone get more out of LinkedIn – absolutely no cost.

  • The 5-step plan below helps you easily step into having conversations on LinkedIn. This approach is simple, takes little time and works for anyone, even people who are new to social media. Try it!
  • Free Office Hours every Friday at 1pm ET. Get advice from a LinkedIn expert for free. Call-in information is below.


  • Working on a pivot? PivotPrecision is an advanced LinkedIn strategy that allows you to test your pivot inexpensively and privately so you can be confident you are making the right pivot. Details are below.
  • A new, lower price for personalized coaching gives you a way to get confidential and customized advice quickly. Details on SocialVelocity coaching are below.
  • Inexpensive webinar training gives your team a way to learn – and master – LinkedIn best practices. Details on the ProSocial Insiders webinars are below.

5 Steps to LinkedIn Conversations

Try this free resource to start engaging on LinkedIn immediately – it works even if your profile is empty and you have a small network. Use these 5 steps to find meaningful conversations and engage with people who matter.


Have questions about LinkedIn? Ask our experts about your profile, building your network, blogging, video, searching and more.

Fridays 1-1:30pm ET

Join via GoTo Meeting:
Or dial in at (872) 240-3311
Access Code: 770-912-525

Need a local number from your country? Email [email protected]

Is Your Pivot Going to Work?


We are all pivoting right now. Launching new products and services, finding new markets, identifying new distribution channels. If we get it right, there’s massive opportunity. If we get it wrong, we lose money and we lose time, neither of which is plentiful. Here’s an advanced LinkedIn strategy you can use to help ensure success – one your team can implement (using free resources) or one we can execute for you. Click on the image or button below to download a pdf. We also wrote a series of blog posts explaining the pivot process and techniques in more detail. Here’s the first in the series: Pivot Strategy: Get Data to Validate Your Instincts.

Pivot Precision pre-launch validation

Spend an hour with a SocialVelocity coach and leave the call knowing exactly what to do next – just $295!

  • Use your hour to get expert feedback on your LinkedIn profile. Dive into each section of your profile and get recommendations for strengthening your profile, increasing your findability, and getting your message across more effectively.
  • Or talk to your coach about your LinkedIn lead generation strategy. Get feedback on your messaging, hear the latest best practices, and find out what’s working now.
  • Launching a new LinkedIn advertising campaign? Have an advertising expert review your audience definition, graphics, bidding strategy, and timing.
  • Need someone to show you how to post updates, publish a blog post, upload a video? Your coach can teach you exactly what you want to learn.

ProSocial Insiders

Get your team productive on LinkedIn, building relationships! This series of six LinkedIn webinars makes it easy for everyone on your team to learn LinkedIn best practices. For $995, up to 20 people can login and watch the archived webinars whenever it is convenient, as often as desired. That’s just $8 per person per month.

  1. How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Dynamic & Exciting
  2. How to Do Prospecting on LinkedIn
  3. How to Build Relationships Using LinkedIn
  4. How to Be Interesting on LinkedIn
  5. How to Be Seen as a Thought Leader Using LinkedIn
  6. LinkedIn Advertising 101

The ProSocial Insiders webinars are packed with tips, techniques and strategies for getting the most out of LinkedIn. Each webinar is 30-60 minutes long. The webinars are updated regularly so your team always has the latest best practices.