Excellent LinkedIn CHRO & VP of Human Resources Profiles

With almost all of your business interactions now virtual, your online presence has gone from a nice-to-have to absolutely essential. Today, Chief Human Resource Officers and Vice Presidents of Human Resources wield their powerful, social media personas as critical business tools. Here are CHROs and VPs of HR who do an excellent job with their LinkedIn presence. They use LinkedIn’s newest features, engage with both internal and external stakeholders, and define their personal brand.

An image of Tony Deblauwe, the VP of Human Resources at Celigo

Tony Deblauwe

Tony understands the importance of keeping his profile keyword-rich and does a great job of using his About section to detail his specialties and accomplishments. His header graphic highlights a recent company achievement at Celigo, underscoring his pride in the team he oversees as Vice President of Human Resources. Tony’s Experience entries illuminate his career path across the tech industry, and his impressive list of Publications completes his profile.

An image of L. David Kingsley, the Chief People Officer at Illumio

L. David Kingsley

David piques people’s interest and showcases his experience by including his current role at Alteryx and the companies that he is an alumnus of right in his headline. His Featured section is packed with recent company news and updates, ensuring that his visitors and connections know exactly what his team is achieving. David’s About section is brief but includes his business philosophy and his specialties in the field.

An image of Connie Clark, the SVP Global Human Resources at Ever.Ag

Connie Clark, GPHR, SPHR

Connie’s About section offers immediate details about her career achievements, like her role as VP of HR with Dairy.com, further emphasized in her Featured section. She uses the capabilities of her profile to the fullest, adding links and media to her Experience entries. Connie’s commitment to learning and sharing knowledge is evidenced by her extensive Licenses and Certifications and her substantial Volunteer experiences.

An image of Eileen Timmins, the Chief Human Resources Officer at 1WorldSync

Eileen Timmins

Eileen’s position as CHRO and a global leader in her industry is communicated in her headline, emphasized by her header graphic, and explained in detail in her About section. The Featured section includes a diverse array of articles, links, and personal news, as well as updates from her current company, 1WorldSync. Eileen’s eye for detail continues in her Experience entries, offering both context and concrete achievements from her previous roles.

An image of Kirsten Behncke Colyer, the Chief Human Resources Officer at Visible Alpha

Kirsten Behncke Colyer, SPHR

Kirsten uses her header and profile photo to make a striking first impression with a bold and colorful graphic. The use of the “Hiring” banner on her image and listing her current role with Visible Alpha in her headline convey a clear message to potential recruits. She touches on her career trajectory in her About section and packs in a keyword-rich list of her specialties. Kirsten’s Featured section offers insights from industry thought leaders and showcases her leadership in the Experience entries.

Want more examples? Check out these executives: CEOCOO, CFO, CMO, CRO/VP of Sales and Chief Data Officer.

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