How to Quickly Refresh Your LinkedIn Profile for 2024: A SaaS CEO’s Guide

Dec 11, 2023 | CEOs, LinkedIn Profile, LinkedIn Tips, Online Presence

As the CEO of a SaaS company, chances are you’ve got a lot on your mind in these last weeks of 2023. 

What priorities are you juggling? Raising a round or exploring new partnerships? Balancing scalability, sustainability, and revenue goals? Navigating data security in light of evolving global regulations? 

With all that — and more — on your plate, it would be easy to ignore your social media presence, and in particular, your LinkedIn profile. 

But what if you knew that something so small could make a significant difference? And it could help move the needle on those bigger items?

Here are some quick updates that can transform your LinkedIn profile from a digital business card into a strategic tool to influence and attract the right partnerships, talent, and opportunities.


#1 Skim Your Profile

Start with a fast read of your profile. Does it tell people what you want them to know? Does it align with what you’re doing now and answer the questions that you are most frequently asked? As you update the elements of your profile, make sure that it clearly tells people not only about your business and products/services but also about who you are as a leader.


 #2 Update the Eye-Catchers

The elements at the top of your profile grab readers’ attention first — or not. Make sure your profile photo is up to date and looks professional and friendly. Use the valuable (and big) header graphic to tell your story — a photo of you speaking at an event, a company-branded graphic, or a custom image that conveys value. Review your headline, which appears not only on your profile, but on every post, blog, and search. Does it invite people to learn more about you?

Pro Tip: Consider using Creator Mode, a free LinkedIn feature that lets you add hashtags (to show people what’s important to you) and a call-to-action Custom button (enabling a quick click) to your header section. The button choices are Book an appointment, Visit my website, View my portfolio, Visit my store, and View my blog.


#3 Showcase Your News

Keep the story of your company’s traction and success current by including announcements of funding, partnerships, and product launches in your Featured section. This is also a great place to highlight your best blogs, interviews, and podcast appearances, and of course, any awards you’ve won in the past year.

Pro Tip: LinkedIn will scrape the headline and a graphic from the links you upload to Featured. Sometimes those work well, but if not, you can customize both as you add the item.


#4 Refresh the Rest

Starting with your contact information, make sure the details in your profile reflect your current status. Next, review your current job description, checking that it includes any changes, wins, and milestones from 2023. Ensure your job description not only lists achievements but also tells the story of your journey this year. Are there any important keywords or industry buzzwords you should add?

Pro Tip: If you want to draw attention to a specific project, add it to the Projects section of your profile. You can also add a board role in the Experience section and place it just below your primary job.


#5 Broadcast the Big Picture

Lastly, skim your profile again, reading as if you were a first-time, high-value prospect. Does it tell the story you want your stakeholders to know? Will people know what matters to you (and why), the problem you solve, how you solve it, and why that’s important to them? Are you memorable?

Pro Tip: If you’re stuck on any area of updating — or you’re simply too busy with bigger things — we can help. Our team works with thousands of CEOs and senior executives to make LinkedIn work for them. Book a quick call, and let’s talk about how you can turn your LinkedIn profile into a strategic asset that helps you achieve your goals — faster.

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