LinkedIn Video: 3 Tips to Get You Started

May 18, 2018 | LinkedIn, Marketing Tools

Have you noticed that your LinkedIn news feed is suddenly filled with video? Now’s the time to dive into the world of video on LinkedIn, but if you’re new to the medium, how do you get started?

“Unlike video on other social media platforms, LinkedIn video should be more planned,” says  Jill Manuel, a communications executive who specializes in engaging audiences through social media. “Make a plan for what you’re going to do. Write a script. Practice before you record. You want your video to feel clean and natural, but you also want to know what you’re saying ahead of time.”

Of course, there’s more to it than just being prepared. According to Jill, there are three major things to keep in mind when starting out with video.

  1. Be Clear & Concise

“Everything on your LinkedIn page should reinforce and align with your personal brand or your company’s brand, so it should be well-produced and have a clear message,” says Jill.

There should be a purpose behind your video, so answer these questions to help determine what you’re trying to accomplish:

  • Who are you talking to?
  • Are you introducing yourself or your company, or does your audience already know who you are?
  • Is there company news you want to share?
  • Are you offering tips or advice?
  • Are you giving people a behind-the-scenes look into your business?

In addition to a clear plan, you also need to make your message concise. “Because people on LinkedIn are typically business-minded, they will take the time to watch a video if they’re really interested, but it shouldn’t be too lengthy,” Jill explains, adding that somewhere between two and three minutes seems to be the sweet spot for keeping people’s attention.

  1. Pay Attention to Production

While your LinkedIn video doesn’t have to be professionally shot, you give some attention to production details.

To ensure viewers can see and hear you clearly, position your camera or smart phone at eye level and use as much natural light as possible. (When it’s bright outside, a window can produce the same level of light you’d get from professional equipment.)

Your audio should be sufficient as long as you’re working with a fairly recent phone, tablet, or computer, Jill says.

  1. Plan for Engagement

Once your video is ready to post, position it in a way that will promote engagement. “When you post a video to LinkedIn, you have to say something about it, right? When you’re introducing your video, make sure you’re also adding great text,” says Jill. “Include talking points. Tell people why you’re posting. The goal is to get people to click on the video, watch until the end, and then react and engage.”

Two quick and easy ways to do this:

  • Include a link to another blog or post on a connected topic.
  • Use hashtags where you can to help categorize your video and make it easier for new users to find your content.

Want to make video a part of your LinkedIn presence? Our team is developing video coaching and online training programs designed specifically for executives who want to use video on LinkedIn. If you’d like to be one of our beta testers, contact Judy at [email protected].

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