Market Yourself on LinkedIn – Special for NBAA Members
Learn LinkedIn Profile Best Practices
Get personal advice from a LinkedIn expert
Fridays 1-1:30pm ET
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Get Your Own Social Action Plan
If you want personal help… One of our SocialVelocity coaches crafts a customized Social Action Plan that tells you exactly what to do on LinkedIn or Twitter, step by step, to achieve your goals.
Regularly $495, for NBAA members just $395.
LinkedIn Presence Management
Have an expert do the work for you
For executives and business owners who want to raise their visibility but don’t have time to be in social media themselves, one of our coaches can manage your LinkedIn or Twitter presence for you:
- Enhance your LinkedIn profile to tell your story more effectively.
- Build your network.
- Share posts to maintain mindshare.
We do all the work for you. You participate in an initial kickoff call where we design a social strategy for you, as well as a monthly social planning call where we set the direction for the coming month. Leave the rest to us.
Regularly $995/month; for NBAA members just $695/month.