(This post has been updated; see Excellent CMO/VP of Marketing LinkedIn Profiles) When you’re the head of a marketing department, people expect you to be an expert in all aspects of the field—including social media. They look to you as an example for creating a...
In business, we’re always thinking about what’s next: What are our targets for the next quarter? What’s the next move in my career? And what decisions and actions need to be made to get us where we want to go? No matter the answer, building a strong...
If you’re putting in the effort to optimize your LinkedIn profile, the last thing you want is to waste time guessing at proper image sizes and character limits. Knowing exact specifications for different LinkedIn fields ahead of time will help. Here’s a comprehensive...
thought leader [thawt lee-der] n. 1. a go-to voice in an industry or profession; someone who shares forward-thinking viewpoints; a person whose perspective on a subject is taken as authoritative and influential. Thought leadership helps you to establish a...
Want to maximize the number of people who see your updates on LinkedIn – without paying for ads? Here’s the secret: Hashtags. Hashtags have been used on Twitter and Instagram for many years but were only introduced on LinkedIn recently. They perform the same basic...